Finance & Audit

The Parish Council is open and transparent about the way it manages its finances. This page contains information on the way the Council protects its finances and what it has spent money on.

The council’s finances are monitored on a day to day basis by the Responsible Financial Officer (Parish Clerk) and the Finance & General Committee takes an oversight role for the council budgets..

The council appoints an independent internal auditor who assesses the council’s compliance with relevant legislation and a further audit is carried out by an external auditor appointed independently of the council.

Income & Expenditure Report
Payments Report (Over £500)

Budget & Precept

The Parish Council budget process starts in August each year when the Parish Clerk begins preparing a draft budget. These are then reviewed with the Chairman and in September/October meeting agree a draft budget. The budget is passed to the Finance & General Committee which in November reviews the amalgamated budget and agrees the draft reserve levels. The committee agrees a recommended budget which is presented to the January Parish Council meeting where the budget is agreed and precept is set.

The Parish Council receives the majority of its income through the precept; an annual sum of money collected with the Council Tax by Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council. The precept is set by the council in January each year and for 2024/25 is £195,487 which amounts to a Band D rate of £91.96. The rest of the Council’s income is from rental income, cemetery fees, grants, event income and bank interest.

View the 2024/25 Parish Council Budget (PDF)

Financial Information

Annual Governance and Accountability Return (Section 1&2)
Annual Internal Audit Report (2024/25)
Internal Audit Report (2024/25)
External Auditors Report & Certificate
Notice of Conclusion of Audit
Exercise of Public Rights
Budget for Current Financial Year
Community Infrastructure Levy
Full Year - Payments over £500


Annual Governance Statement (Section 1)
Accounting Statement (Section 2)
Annual Internal Audit Report (2021-22)
Internal Audit Report (2021-22)
External Auditors Report & Certificate (2021-22)
Notice of Conclusion of Audit (Not Available)
Exercise of Public Rights
Budget for Current Financial Year (Not Available)
Community Infrastructure Levy (Not Available)
Full Year - Payments over £500 (Not Available)
Annual Governance Statement (Section 1)
Accounting Statement (Section 2)
Annual Internal Audit Report 2020/21
Internal Audit Report 2020/21
External Auditors Report & Certificate (Section 3)
Notice of Conclusion of Audit (Not Available)
Exercise of Public Rights
Budget for Current Financial Year (Not Available)
Community Infrastructure Levy (Not Available)
Full Year - Payments over £500 (Not Available)
Annual Governance and Accountability Return (Section 1&2)
Annual Internal Audit Report 2019/22
Internal Audit Report 2019/20
External Auditors Report & Certificate (Section 3)
Notice of Conclusion of Audit
Exercise of Public Rights
Budget for Current Financial Year (Not Available)
Community Infrastructure Levy (Not Available)
Full Year - Payments over £500 (Not Available)